
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Today I have not done anything all day. I took Daisy (dog) for a walk this morning, have done 3 loads of washing and had a walk on my treadmill. Just feeling soooooo lazy. I worked all day Wednesday and Friday and went to sewing on Thursday so have been keeping myself busy. I have spent too many hours on the computer looking at accommodation on Kangaroo Island as we are thinking of going over there later this month for a few days. Still haven't picked anywhere to stay.
Thought I would share another of my layouts

These layouts are of Forth River in Tasmania from the album I did of our holiday there

Thanks for looking and I appreciate your comments

1 comment:

  1. hey Julie congrats on winning the imaginarium designs "chippie" parcel of goodies .. WOO HOO !!!! how wonderful for you.. also Julie I am considering getting a small group of girls together to have scrap evenings or days ??? wondering if you would be interested ?? hugz x
    email me


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