
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oh dear.......a wasted day today. Last night we went to a fringe show at Deaf CanDo in South Tce called Good Golly Miss Molly, the band was Jump n Jive and Ray was the DJ. I had more champagne than was good for me and have not felt like doing much today.

Anyway a bit of an update. I went to my course on Thursday afternoon and I know I am going to enjoy it. As part of our first assignment we have to present 10 photos of statues, 10 photos of old or historic buildings and 10 photos of nature. Each photo has to be of a different subject. On Friday when it was raining I took 30 photos of the rain on some of the plants in our garden. This is one of them

and then on Saturday I took 161 photos as I walked along the Torrens.

I was going to do some scrapbooking today but not feeling all that creative at the moment and I will be at work all day tomorrow so Tuesday night is the next chance to scrapbook.

I know I have been a bit slack with  my blogging but I will pick up the pace a bit from now on.

Thanks for looking and if you know how, don't forget to leave me a message, I would love to hear from you


1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie... followed you from the Kiasercraft forum... Welcome to the blogging world :)


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