
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Good Morning

I know it has been a few days since my last post but here goes.

Thursday night I went to see a Fringe show with Cindy and her friend. The show was at the Cavan Club in North Tce and was called "An Evening of the Unexpected" with Anthony Laye. He is a "mind reader" and the show was very persuasive. Go and have a look at it if you are interested in that type of thing. Last night we went to the "Butterfly House" and saw a jazz band. Not being jazz fans we did not stay very long before we headed to Legends Rock and Roll Club. Had a very good time there. Did not have one dance but caught up with a lot of our friends and had an opportunity to talk.

At the beginning of the year I saw on someones blog (sorry cant remember who) to create a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I thought that would be a good idea so I started my list. Do you know how hard it is to think of 101 things you would like to do!! Try it. Anyway, I made a start and one of the things I wanted to do was grow a tomato plant in a pot. Bit weird you might think but in our house Ray does all the gardening and I never do any of it so I just wanted to have a go at growing something and I thought a tomato plant would be good because Ray likes having tomatoes on toast for a snack. When I was in Whyalla just after Christmas visiting my Mum, Ian, my brother gave me a tomato plant so that was the push I needed. This is my tomato plant now

Some of the other things on my list that I have done are: Create a blog, Get new taps in the bathroom,
Go to the Adelaide Zoo, start sewing again, keep a food diary for one month.

I am half way through a layout at the moment but I am babysitting from 11:30 to 5pm so will not get a chance to do any today. I am going to share a layout I did a few months ago of Charli talking to Ray on the phone. To make the black scrolls I stamped and embossed on a transparency. I was surprised it worked, I thought the transparency would buckle but it didn't.

That's about it for this post. Cindy & Charli will be here any minute and I have a few things to do before they get here

Till next time
Thanks for looking
Love to hear any comments you might like to leave

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