
Monday, March 28, 2011

What a beautiful day today. Someone must have heard my grizzling about the weather last week and decided to be kind to all of us here in Adelaide.

I finally finished my "Book Of Me" layout from the class I did with Natalie May last Monday. I don't know why it took me so long to get it finished.  I had to make the pockets and the tags from scratch because I did not have any the right size. I cut the heading out using my Cricut and the Cuttin Up cartridge. I enjoyed doing this page.  The 6 tags each have a list of 6 things about now. i.e. Six things that make me happy, six things I'm currently into, six things on my to do list etc.
I have not written them up yet but I plan on printing them on transparency and sticking that to the tags.

I also photographed all of the pages I have done so far for my Book Of Me today. I started it in January last year and I have 2 double layouts and one single to go to complete the album. I will post them here over the next couple of weeks.

Ray bought me a tripod for my camera for Christmas and I must say it makes photographing layouts sooo much easier, just set it up once and shoot away.

Would love to hear from you, so leave me a comment if you have time

Till next time

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