
Thursday, March 24, 2011

What is this weather we are having????

Ray and I went to Port Hughes yesterday for the day. Rob (Ray's brother) and his wife have got a block over there and they are spending a week there just getting a feel for the place to decide if they want to build over there or stay where they are.We thought we would go over for the day and have a bit of a look around.
Charli ended up spending the night with us on Tuesday night so we dropped her off at about 8 and headed off. The weather was terrible and we probably should have changed our plans but it was the only day we had available while Rob & Jacqui were over there.

We had a look around the whole area, Moonta, Wallaroo, Kadina. The weather made it very difficult to do much except drive around the towns. We had dinner at one of the hotels in Wallaroo with some friends of Rob and Jacqui's. (Hello Pam & Tils). We ran into some people from Port Lincoln that we had not seen for  a long time. We left at 7:30 and drove home.

I am just about to head off to TAFE so will say bye for now.

Till next time

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