
Friday, April 1, 2011

I have been busy doing a layout but as yet have not taken any photos, so will post that when I get around to the photography bit.

I went to TAFE yesterday and this morning I had a scan on my legs for varicose vein treatment, apart from that life has been pretty quiet.

Ray has been working on the advertising scooters all week so I haven't even had him around the place.

I was talking to a friend the other night and she suggested that I try a few scrapbooking challenges from the various challenge sites, there are quite a few of them around. I have decide I will give it a go so will post the layouts here as I go.

Here is the next page in my Book Of Me album. It is about our beautiful Daisy.

We have got a pretty busy weekend ahead but I will post again soon

Till next time

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