
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

At last..... I have finished my mini book.

But first .....
Ray & I have had Charli with us for all of Monday, Monday night and Tuesday. Cindy and Dave have both been at home with sore throats and general flu type symptoms so we had Charli to let them get a bit of rest and hopefully get them on the road to recovery.

Today Heather came around for an afternoon of scrapping. Unfortunately I was not very organised so I just sat and chatted. Heather did a bit of work on an album but mostly we just talked. I will be more organised next time and make sure I have got something to work on. We did have a little bit of a play with the cricut and I found a very nice envelope on one of my cartridges that I did not even know I had.

Even though we had Charli here for a couple of days I still found time to finish off my album I have been sharing with you over the past few posts.

This page is the last leaf in the book. The two tags are attached to a piece of plastic and they open out.

This is them extended. The tags are exactly the same as the ones I made for the page with the rows of punched edges. I found this technique on the internet and I forgot to take note of the person who posted it. (Sorry)

The back of this page has a pocket with a tag in it. It has a rub-on quote on it

This is the tag

The inside of the back cover has a gatefold card that opens. It is held shut by fibres wrapped around two brads that are not pushed all the way down. The fibre has a little gold charm attached to the end.

And when it is open it looks like this. The punched strip along the bottom centre section is only stuck down on the very bottom so things can be tucked in behind it

I had to do the binding twice because I put the back cover on back to front. I tried using the same binding wire again but it went into an oval shape instead of a circle so I took it off and used a new wire and I am very happy with the end result. There are probably too many pages in the book but at least this way it stands up on its own

Ahhh now to decide what I am going to do next. I think I might try one of the challenges from a challenge site.

Till next time

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