
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A busy week...

Sunday we had lunch with Cindy and Dave at their place. Cindy made a very nice Chicken dish. It was a pleasant way to spend a few hours on a Sunday.

Monday I flew to Port Lincoln for the day to attend my friends funeral. A sad day.

Yesterday Ray and I had Charli for the day, always a pleasure. She is such a happy child and plays contentedly most of the time. Tuesday night we went to the Adelaide Rock n Roll Club. The band was Mach Brown 7 and I enjoyed their music very much. They are very talented.

This morning has been relatively quiet. Had a bit of a sleep in and didn't see daylight till 10am. Spent 30 minutes on my treadmill after breakfast and then Cindy bought Charli around for me to play with while Cindy went to a meeting. We made a cake, had some lunch and she has gone to bed.

I have had a little bit of time over the last few days to do some work on my album. Here are the photos of what I have done since my last post

This is the front cover. I have sprayed the background with Iridescent Gold Glimmermist, painted the bird cage with Gold acrylic paint, the flowers and swirls have been painted with acrylics then I rubbed a bit of ink on them and then sprayed all three pieces with the Iridescent Gold glimmermist. The butterfly was cut out using my Big Shot and given a light spray with glimmermist. The 'remember' chipboard was coloured with ink.

The inside of the cover is pretty simple because the book is pretty bulky and I was looking for a slimline page.

The tags have a journalling spot stamped and heat embossed on the back

The facing page is the same but in opposite colours

ans so are the tags for this page.

I also made another filler page that does not have much bulk. This page is the same on both sides and is made using one of the Martha Stewart border punch sets. I love this punch set.

That is as far as I have got at the moment but am halfway through another page so will do some more tonight

Would love to hear from you with any comments you might like to leave

Till next time

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