
Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday morning......

Saturday was a relaxing day, we walked into town along the beach

This is the path we walk through to get to the beach

 and this is the great beach. Nice and hard for walking on

As part of the Carnivale festival they had a sandcastle competition. This is one of the sand castles we saw, very imaginative.

We had a coffee at the beachside cafe then walked up to the shopping area and had a bit of a browse. Saturday night was spent at the unit reading and relaxing. I know... staying home on a Saturday night.................?

Yesterday we had a lazy morning and at about 12ish we drove to Ellis Beach were we had a coffee, milkshake, champagne before heading down to Cairns for a 2 hour dancing lesson.

We learned a new routine and were very happy with that. We then went to Brothers league club for the rock and roll. The band was Carrizma and they were disgusting.  We left around 7:30ish thinking that we would call in at Ellis Beach as we had seen signs there that they had music every weekend. When we got there there were 2 people there and no music so we just came home and practised out new dance routine.

We are so lucky in Adelaide with Rock n Roll. Ray & I have never been to any place that caters as well for rock n roll dancers. Coollangatta excepted.

This is a photo of the unit we are staying in from the outside

and the inside downstairs lounge/dining area

and the view from the balcony

We are heading out now so till next time
Leave me a comment if you have time

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