
Sunday, May 22, 2011

What a bleak old day outside. Windy wet and overcast, (well dark now). I am glad I am not going anywhere tonight because if I was, I would be giving serious consideration to weather it was necessary or not. Cindy is going to Circe de Sole tonight. She is lucky it is in the Entertainment Centre and not the tent they usually have their performances in.

I have spent a lot of time over the last few days reading. I am reading The Associate by John Grisham and enjoying it.

I have not done any scrapbooking so I am going to share another layout I did of our holiday in Tasmania. I generally do a double page when I do holiday pages because there are so many photos to display. These layouts are of Cataract Gorge. I cut the titles out on my Cricut using Design Suite to join the letters together. The embellishments I made in a class with Jane Tregenza some time ago.

Last night we went to the Adelaide Rock n Roll Club's 17th Birthday dance. It was at the Campania Club and the band was The Blue Comets. We had a good night, the floor there is fantastic. We did leave early (11am) as I wasn't feeling all that well and this morning when I woke up I had a sore throat and aching all over. I am going to try to knock this on the head before we go away because I don't want to be sick while we are in Queensland. So it's an early night for me tonight.

Anyway, that's it for this post. Would love to read any comments you might like to leave for me
Till next time

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