
Friday, June 3, 2011

Well I have been very naughty not posting since Monday but I am on holidays and have spent my days and nights relaxing and enjoying the fantastic weather we have had 25 - 28 degrees every day...beautiful and that great beach, pretty close to heaven.

This is going to be a quick post tonight....

Tuesday we went up to the Daintree. It is perfect up there, we spent quite some time walking around the Discovery Centre, it is on 3 levels and so interesting. We did not see much in the way of wild-life though. The rain forest is great to look at and walk through, we had a great day.

Views from the walk..

Wednesday was a Port Douglas day, we walked along the beach to town, a bit of shopping, an ice-cream from the ice-cream shop that has 42 flavours and then walk back.

Thursday we went to Karanda. Karanda is a small town in the mountains just outside of Cairns. We caught the train up there and the Skyrail back down. Both trips were very interesting, the railway track was laid in the late 1800's and the scenery from the train is magnificent. The skyrail comes down just above the tree tops and is quite scary. Karanda is an interesting town which is made up of shops to sell to tourists. Some exquisite art works and articles for sale and some of the usual junky stuff you can buy anywhere.

This photo is inside the carriage

This one is looking along the train to the front

And this one is looking to the back of the train

Today we had another Port Douglas day.......can't resist the walk along the beach, it takes about 40 minutes each way and the sun feels good, and of course that ice-cream is a big drawcard.

Tomorrow we fly to Coolangatta so next time I post we will be in a different location.

I have taken a few photo's but have not downloaded them onto the computer yet so will add them next time I post.

Till next time

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