
Thursday, July 7, 2011

aahhhh my first day of no compression stockings, wonderful...
Ray has got a cold so I have been busy today. Did some housework, cooked scrambled eggs for lunch and did the grocery shopping this afternoon.

We were going to go to the Adelaide Rock n Roll Club on Tuesday night but that was the first day that Ray was feeling sick so we decided to stay home and keep warm. I took Charli to Bee-boppers on Tuesday instead of Ray. She has her concert on Saturday so hopefully will get some photos. They are doing the Alphabet Rap and the Bee Song.

I have made a list of the various challenges that I have come across in the net through blog hopping and have decided to give a few of them a go. Will post them as I finish them.

These pages are also from my Tasmania album. The first 2 are of the Tahoun Air Walk which is a walking path that is elevated over the top of trees and forest. Fantastic

These two layouts show Bay of Fires. Beautiful white sand and blue sea. There are many beaches like this in Australia and they all bring an appreciation of their beauty, no matter how many times you see it.
Bay of Fires is on the east coast of Tasmanian and well worth calling in to have a look at.

I bought a bookazine (that is their word for it, it is a 250 page magazine) at the newsagent called Photoshop Creative Collection, it is dedicated to teaching people how to use Photoshop to do lots of different things. I thought I would work through it and learn lots of new tricks and tips hopefully. Now all I have to do is spent the time doing it.

I am also going to enrol in the advanced Photoshop course at TAFE for next semester. They have got a new system whereby students enrol through the internet but like all new systems it does not work properly and I have spent the better part of 3 days trying to enrol. I even went to TAFE yesterday to enrol and they could not do it there either so I have to wait till next week when hopefully they have got it running correctly

Oh well off to do something.....scrapbooking or Photoshop ??????? what a choice.

Till next time
Would love to hear from you

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