
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wednesday night and Ray is at work at the Bakery, his LAST shift. I am pretty happy about that and am looking forward to being able to do lots of things on a Sunday. Not having to rush back in time for him to go to work if we go away on a Rock n Roll weekend is one of them.

We went to the Anzano Club last night to see the Party Cats and had a good night. Unfortunately it was the last time that event will be happening. There was not enough support to make it viable for either the band or the venue.

Yesterday we had Charli for the day as usual but as it is school holidays "Beeboppers" was not on so we took her to a craft session at the shopping centre at Glenelg and she made a snowman on a canvas. She loved doing it.

My scrap room is a mess because I have not had a chance to clean it up today after finishing the last layout. I have spent the day grocery shopping, bathing and trimming Daisy, paperwork and walking.

I have started walking for 30 minutes everyday on my treadmill. It was a requirement when I had my varicose veins treated and I thought that if I could do it for those 2 weeks I can do it on a permanent basis. I read a novel on my ebook while I am walking and the time just flies. I have also started a food diary and am keeping a close eye on what I eat. I have put on a few kilos over the last 4 - 6 weeks and I want to get rid of them and a few more. Ray & I are going on a 3 day Elvis Cruise in Nov (Ray is DJ'ing on the cruise) so I want to loose about 7 or 8 kilos by then.  I have also stopped drinking Diet Coke!!! I had a very bad addiction to it and would drink nothing else (no water at all). When I stopped I had a very bad headache for 4 - 5 days but that is gone now and I have an occasional Diet Coke when we go out, I do not keep any in the fridge at home so I am not tempted to drink it. WOW what has got into me????

Thank you to the people who have left me a comment over the last few days. I love to hear from you

Till next time

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