
Friday, August 26, 2011

In Adelaide at the moment we are getting a dose of great weather. It has been sunny and 20 - 22 degrees for the last 3 days and it feels great.

Have been pretty busy but don't know what I have been doing for the last 5 days, isn't it funny how that happens. I have not stopped but to try and recall what I have done there are so many little insignificant things that mount up to make a full day, like grocery shopping, washing the dog etc. On Wednesday I went for a walk along the beach for an hour..very enjoyable.

One thing I have done is re-organise my scrap room. Not so much the furniture but my storage. I went and bought a heap of new containers that have high sides as I was sick of everything falling over the sides of the baskets I was using. That probably means I need to use some of my stash before I buy any more but who can help themselves when they see all the new goodies around. Anyway I am glad I have got that job done.

We are in the process at the moment of fighting over will we or won't we get solar panels. With the government cutting the feed back tariff as at the 30th September it is basically now or never and unfortunately Ray does not think that we will be living in this house long enough (6 - 7 years) to re-coup our outlay. I on the other hand think it is a great idea and once the panels have paid for themselves it is all clear savings. We have been here over 6 years now and I have no inclination to move but Ray seems to think we will not be here that much longer. I also think that if we did sell the house before the panels are paid for then we should be able to re-coup the difference in the selling price of the house.

Till next time

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