
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday night and Cindy & Dave have just picked Charli up. We have had her with us since 8am yesterday and it has been very enjoyable. She is a delight and although we had a couple of minor issues her stay with us has been great. I must admit though that I am pretty tired and am looking forward to a good nights sleep tonight. Charli woke at 5:30 this morning for a toilet visit but did not go back to sleep. She was back in our room at 6am saying she was hungry, so that was the start of the day for me.

My Mum rang me this morning to say her sister had died. My aunty had been sick for about 7 or so years and her passing was imminent but it is still sad that she has gone.  I have been busy making plans tonight to go to Port Lincoln for her funeral next Wednesday. It was a bit messy because I had already booked to fly to Whyalla on Friday 7th Oct and back on Monday 10th, but I have cancelled a flight and booked another and now it all seems to be sorted.  I will fly to Port Lincoln on Wednesday and drive back to Whyalla on Thursday with one of my sisters and then fly home on the following Monday.

I have not had time to do any scrapbooking over the last few days but I have got this photo of Charli having her bath last night to share.

Just too cute.

Take it easy
Till next time

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