
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kindy is for kids right!! Charli has started her transition kindy sessions and she goes on a Wednesday morning. Yesterday was her second day. Yesterday she learned about Osmosis using an experiment with white roses and food colouring in a glass of water. I had never seen this done before so we set up an experiment so Charli could have something to check out when she got up this morning. This is what greeted her

We used red, green and blue food colouring in the cups with water and our white roses magically changed colour.  It amazes me that these things are taught at such an early age. 

She enjoyed her sleepover and I took her to child care this morning. I always feel a bit sad leaving her there but she enjoys it and learns lots of social skills in the process.

I have started a layout this morning and the photo I wanted to use had not been printed so I thought I would print it myself. I am always a bit disappointed when I print the photos because the colours are never quite right. I think I need to buy some Kodak A4 sheets of photo card as the Kodak 6 x 4 card works reasonably well but I have not yet mastered the art of using Pages on my Mac, and trying to get the photo to fit on a 6 x 4 piece of card has not worked. It seems to be very amateurish after using word. I have toyed with the idea of buying Office for Mac and the more I use Pages the more I think it would be worth the expense, just in the frustration it would save.

It is a beautiful day here in Adelaide 26 degrees celsius, our new solar panels will be earning their keep today.

Well I'm off to do some more scrappin so....

Till next time

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