
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some friends of mine came around for lunch today to talk about our trip to the UK and Europe next year. We will be leaving for London on the 19th June and spending 3 1/2 weeks in England and Scotland and then over to Europe for a further 4 weeks, so I will be away for quite a while. Ray is not coming and will be batching while I am gone. He should be able to manage, he did it for 6 weeks when I went to Switzerland in 2009.

Time will fly by I know. Late last year Ray was asked to DJ on a cruise in November this year and I thought "That is miles away", well it is here now. We leave on Thursday. I know it is a well worn saying but time really does fly. Next thing I know I will be posting that I am leaving for the UK tomorrow.

We had Charli today and I have to say she is such a beautiful little girl, she entertains herself all day long and never gives us any grief. She plays with her doll, reads it stories, watches Tweety Bird cartoons on the computer and Ray takes her to Beeboppers. We are soooo lucky to have her.

I have not done anything in the craft room for some time now. Life seems to get in my way far too often. I am flat out tomorrow and then we are away on our cruise so no crafting for me for a long time.

This layout showcases a photo of Charli taken 2 years ago

And this double layout is of her when she was just 5 hours old (2008)

Anyway I'm off to see who wins the X Factor.

Till next time

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