
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I am just about organised for Christmas. I am waiting for a couple of printed decks of cards I ordered for Mum, with photos of her and Dad on one pack and a photo of all us kids about 40 years ago on the other, to arrive from Snapfish. I have to pick them up from Westlakes so I will get another present for my Secret Santa recipient while I am over there.

I have completely finished Mum's album now. This is the front cover

I hope she likes it.

I gave Daisy her Christmas bath and haircut today. I don't enjoy doing it but I love the finished product. I left her tail in the bluo for too long and now she has a mauve tail. I would post a picture to show you but as soon as she hears the camera turn on she takes off.

I have finally got my compression stockings off today. I had my checkup for my varicose vein treatment and all is good. You can not appreciate how glad I am to have them off unless you have had to wear them at some stage. I had both legs done so had to wear compression stockings on both legs for the last two weeks. I am glad they are gone before the really hot weather gets here.

This will be my last post before Christmas so hope you all have a great day. I know we will.

Thanks for looking
Till next time

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