
Monday, December 12, 2011

It's Monday again already. Time just goes too quickly and at this time of the year there is so much to do that time goes even faster that usual.

It has been a very hectic week and I can't even begin to remember what I did a week ago.

Friday night we went to the Dance for Fun Christmas function and had a fun night. The band was the Rockin Dally Roos.

Saturday we went to the boat launch held by our friends who have built their own boat. What an achievement. It has taken them ten years but the sense of achievement must be huge for them now. They were going to spend the night on the boat on Saturday night. I have not heard from them since but I am sure they would have enjoyed the night so much.

Saturday afternoon I had my final class at Camelot for the year. I will resume again when school goes back at the beginning of February next year. I know that won't take long to come around. I have really enjoyed the time spent with my regulars on a Saturday and am looking forward to february and seeing them again.

Sunday afternoon we went to the Old Melbourne Hotel in North Adelaide to hear The Rustlers. They were great. It was nice to have a change of venue and a change of band. This band does not play the Rock n Roll circuit and I really enjoyed listening to them. We even had a few dances. A very enjoyable afternoon. On the way home we picked up the Bridesmaids on DVD and watched that during the evening and I did the ironing.

I have spent the day in town today. After we had our Puratap serviced Ray & I drove to the Entertainment Centre then caught the tram into the city. We did a few odds and ends in there then Cindy joined me and Ray went home. Cindy and I went shopping for some clothes for Cindy for her Christmas present then in the afternoon we had a lesson in applying makeup. This evening Ray & I went to the Stanford Plaza for dinner and now I am home checking out blogs and saying hello to you.

Tomorrow Charli has her concert at BeeBoppers so we will both be going to that. On the way home we have to call in and check out her sizing for a new bike as the one we gave her last year is too small for her now. Apart from that I plan on taking it pretty easy.

I have decided to make mum a 7" x 7" wooden album for christmas with photos of her and Dad and a page with a photo of each of her children, and behind each photo there will be a tag giving the detail of that particular daughter/son ie date of birth, spouses name, children's names, grand children's names etc. I have selected the photos and I just have to get them printed. I will start work on this project tomorrow night probably.

Wednesday I am off to work and as it is Cindy's birthday I have agreed to have Charli while she goes out to celebrate in the evening. My baby is going to be 38!!!!

As I have not had a chance to do any crafty stuff I am sharing a few layouts from a while ago.

This first one is using a photo taken when I was about 17 and my sister (16) and I went out with my Mum and Dad to one of the local football clubs in Whyalla for the saturday night cabaret. It was probably a special guest artist because we did not go out with Mum & Dad very often.

This photo was taken at my brothers wedding.

This photo was taken at my Deb. I remember we used to have to go to practise for this and we had to learn to dance the waltz. We had fun anyway.

Well that's about it for this post.
Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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