
Monday, January 9, 2012

Dear me, what happened to yesterday. We went to the Legends Rock n Roll Club members bbq at St Clair. Ray was DJ'ing and I was just socialising, When we had finished there we went to Ales & Sail to see Invasion but they were not there so we drove around to the Port Dock Brewery Hotel just in time to see them packing up. Ah well never mind.

After dinner we watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo movie that I had recorded from Saturday night on SBS One. I have read the trilogy of books and I enjoyed the movie.

As I did not post my photo a day yesterday I am going to post 2.

This one is of my sky on new years eve in Sydney

and this one is looking up at the sky through the trees on Saturday at our friends birthday celebration just before the rain started and we got washed out.

I will be back later today with my daily routine photo

Thanks for looking

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