
Friday, January 20, 2012

It has been a long time between posts but I am back now. I think I got lost somewhere for the past week but I have got some photo a day shots to share with you today for days 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. I will catch up with the rest over the next couple of days.  So here we go

Day 13 - In your bag. I do not generally use a hand bag. When I head out the door I usually only have my purse and my phone

Day 14 - Something you are reading. I have always got Scrapbooking magazines half read laying around and I am lost if I haven't got a novel to read on my e-reader.

Day 15 Happiness - Ray, Daisy and I at Noosa. Ahhh so hard to take.

Day 16 - Morning. This photo was taken at sunrise while we were going up in a hot air balloon in the Barossa. Such a magic moment. So peaceful.

Day 17 - Water. I love waterfalls. This photo was taken while we were in Tasmania. When we go on holidays we do a lot of walking and try to incorporate as many waterfalls and rain-forests as we can in our travels

That is enough for today. Will be back soon with some more.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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