
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today is Charli's actual birthday. We had her overnight last night because Cindy has Uni on Monday nights now so we have Charli and keep her overnight ready to spend the day with her on Tuesday's. I must say the 6am starts are going to take a bit of getting used to but I am sure we can manage it!!!!

Anyway today we were very lucky that we got to wake up with her on her actual birthday. We bought her a new bike and a fairy story book.

After a bit of adjustment

She was off and running, or should I say Ray was running. Even though it was pretty hot here today Ray and Charli spent a considerable amount of time riding/running up and down our street to try out the new wheels. Both the bike and the book were a big hit.

This evening Ray, Charli, Cindy, Dave and I went to  LaVita on Grange Road for dinner as a final birthday celebration. A very pleasant meal.

I have not had the opportunity to take any photo a day photo's today so will be back with them later in the week.

Thanks for dropping by.
Till next time

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