
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday night and I am at home alone... who would have guessed.

I have had a great day today. I spent the day at one of Heather Jacob's classes making a book. I loved it. I am going to make another one using different papers just to see how differently it turns out.

Ray is DJ'ing at a birthday party in Waikerie tonight. He left at about 2:30 which means that I do not have a car. I caught the bus home from the class and it took 2 hours to get here. I did spent half an hour in the city getting a jar of texture paste to try a technique I learned at a class with Nat May on Monday night so really it took 1 1/2 hours to get home. Waiting time for the buses took a fair amount of that time. No wonder people do not want to use public transport, when I drive there or home it takes just under half an hour.

My sister and her husband came and spent the night with us last night on their way to Perth to visit their son. They came to Legends with us, the band was The Wild Ones and I really enjoyed their music. Ray and I had lots of dances and my sister and her husband said they enjoyed the music and watching all of the dancers.

Should have went to TAFE on Wednesday night but because it was Anzac day there was no class. Bit sorry to miss it but was not really feeling like going so turned out pretty good.

Some thoughts...

Outside my wind... it is pitch black and cold. I have just finished washing some sheets so I am going to head out there and peg them out.

I am thinking... about what colour I will do my book in or weather I should work on the next page for my Switzerland album

I am thankful for... my family and friends

I am wearing... my pyjamas, dressing gown and ugg boots

I am going to... go to see The Invasion at the Port Dock Brewery Hotel and then the Party Cats at the Lighthouse Inn tomorrow afternoon

I am currently reading... I am trying to catch up on the backlog of scrapbooking magazines I have. I bought the same magazine twice because I had not read the first one I bought.

I am pondering... The conversion rate of the Australian dollar to British Pounds and hoping that a miracle will happen and I will get a great rate before I go away.

I am hoping... Ray's mouth gets better and life settles down a bit.

I am creating... At sewing I am making a blouse and altering some 3/4 pants that are a bit too big for me to take to the UK as it is going to be the middle of summer when I get there.

On my mind.... All of the above

From the kitchen... Crown mints

Around the house... Ray has removed the pelmets from the windows in the front of the house. It looks so much better. Have to take the drapes to be dry cleaned and wash the nets.

One of my favourite things...  well three of them really

A few plans for the rest of the week... Going to the Adelaide Rock n Roll Club Tuesday night.

Some pictures to share... I am sharing a few layouts from a couple of years ago. These are all from our Tasmania holiday....

Going to go and make a start on some scrappin now. Ohhh better peg those sheets out first

8 weeks till I leave for the UK.   Yipeeeee

Thanks for droppin by
Till next time

Friday, April 20, 2012

One week since my last post...

I have officially given up the April photo a day. I don't seem to have enough time in my day to find a suitable object and photograph it. Ridiculous isn't it... I don't like to give up on anything but this is one task that I am going to have to say good bye to.

I have had Mum staying for a few days. We have been shopping and crafting. I have made a folder to keep my dies (used in my Big Shot for scrapbooking projects) in.

I have finished my next double page for my Switzerland album. This page has a pocket behind the top photo for all the excess photos and diary page. Both of the photos lift up to expose another one or two photos inside

I have used my CWS Chicken wire mask with black glimmermist on the background, stamped the blue paper at the top with a Kaisercraft bubble wrap stamp and embossed the die cut shapes. The photos on this page also lift up to reveal more photos inside.

There is not much on tonight so we probably won't be going out. I am thinking I might nip over to the Video store and get a movie to watch.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Friday, April 13, 2012

A quick post before I go and cook dinner for the birthday boy.

This is a double layout I did today as part of my Switzerland album. Unfortunately I am not making much progress with this project so I have to get my act together and start getting a few pages finished. So here are page 4 & 5. For the background I have used a picture I tore out of a travel brochure. The pocket on the lefthand page hold my diary pages for those dates and extra photos, entry tickets and other momentos.

Gotta go now so will be back in a couple of days with my photo a day 14 is How you feel today, that may be a bit of a challenge.

Till next time
Thanks for dropping by

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I know I am a bit behind with my photo a day but here we go with a catchup....

Day 7    Shadow

These are the shadows in my back garden at this very moment

Day 8    Inside your wallet

Nothing unusual here, cards and cash.

9 Younger You  

This photo was taken in 1980. I was 27 years old..........

10 Cold

This photo was taken during my trip to Switzerland at the top of Mount Pilatus, just outside of Lucern on 7th May 2009. We went up in the cable car had a delicious lunch at the summit restaurant and then caught the cable car back down. It was one of the many highlights of my trip

11 Where you ate breakfast

Well those that know me know I do not eat breakfast. Breakfast for me is a glass of Diet Coke and a Cup of Tea. This is where I drink my breakfast while I check my emails and surf the net on my iPad.

12 Stairs

This photo was taken in a shopping arcade in Sydney when we were over there of the New Years Eve fireworks on the harbour.

Well that is it for today. Tomorrow is Ray's birthday and we are going to Legends tomorrow night. The band is The Blue Comets. On Sunday a group of us are going to the Glenelg Surf Lifesaving Club for brunch to celebrate his 59 years on this earth.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday....

A lazy day today. Ray & I took Daisy for a walk along the beach at Grange. It was overcast and windy but we really enjoyed it. Daisy was running around like a puppy.

Apart from that I have finished off the top I was making at sewing on Thursday and spent too much time on my iPad playing stupid games.

Cindy and Charli are coming around for dinner tonight. I think I will order pizza.....

Here are my photos for day 5 and 6

Day 5 Tiny   The flowers on this bush are so tiny but completely cover the bush when it is in full bloom.

Day 6    Lunch.  Yummmm Homemade chicken and vegetable soup. Made with my own delicate hands no less.

Have a happy Easter
Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

More photos for the Photo A Day for April

3. Mail - I usually get heaps of mail and reams of junk mail but because I wanted to take a photo of it I have got nothing. Instead I have got a photo of my letterbox where all the mail is collected from.

4. Someone who makes you happy. Today that someone is Daisy.

I have spent the day doing nothing today. I seem to have way too many of those days lately. I start off with good intentions but end up spending too much time on my iPad or blog hopping or as in today watching programs that I had recorded. I had promised myself I would get up to date with my TAFE projects today but I have not even looked at that. I am going to start now. I have got TAFE tonight and then 2 weeks off. I have to have my Major Assignment finished by the beginning of lesson first week back after the Easter holidays. Better get onto it.

Till next time
Thanks for dropping by

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I have decided to do the photo a day for April. You can see the list at

1. Your Reflection. This photo of me in my dressing gown was taken in the bathroom of Blue Ray Lodge at Penneshaw. I was taking a photo of the bathroom and this is part of the photo. Me in the mirror

2. Colour. This is my favourite colour for roses....just love it.

Off to the Adelaide Rock n Roll Club tonight to see 20 Flight Rock and catch up with friends. Looking forward to it.

Back soon
Till next time
Thanks for dropping by