
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It has been so long since my last post that when I logged in to do this post I thought I had got into the wrong place, it is all completely different now. Ah well that is progress I 'spose. I am sure it will be better in the long run.

Ray and I have been to Whyalla for a week to visit Mum. We had a very quiet and relaxing time and got lots of bits and pieces done for Mum and a few odds and ends done for ourselves as well. I finished off a top I was making at sewing and altered 2 pairs of slacks. I also made a Mother's Day card for Mum and gave it to here last Sunday thinking it was Mother's day on the first Sunday in May, not so it is next Sunday. Anyway she liked it and I gave her a pair of Red Factor Canaries to go with it. I made a photo book for Charli to give to Cindy for Mother's day as well and told her to give it to Cindy last Sunday. Cindy was very surprised....

Ray has been at work today so I have had Charli for the day. She has got a cold and was pretty content to watch cartoons and DVD's once we got home from Pianorama and having an ice-cream and play on the play equipment at Mac Donald's.

My sister and her husband who went over to Perth are coming back tonight so I am picking them up from the airport soon. They will be staying overnight with us.

I have spent the day thinking about things I need to do before I go away. It is 6 weeks yesterday until I leave. Starting to get close now. I have started a list and will work through it as I get the chance and I am sure I will be adding plenty to it as I think of things as well.

I made the following pages some time ago now but as I have been away and haven't got any new layouts to share I thought I would show you these

I'm off to get my sister now
Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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