
Friday, June 29, 2012

Hi everyone. I am in an Internet cafe at the moment because my sim card does not want to work up here in Scotland. We travelled up here yesterday from Jedburgh where we spent Wednesday night. It took most of the day. The distances are not that big but it seems to take so long to get from one place to the other. We were going to stop and have a look at Haidians Wall when we came through there on Wednesday but we missed it somehow, so we plan on checking it out on the way back to Bisley. There are miles of stone walls along the way. Very impressive.
We are here until Monday morning and then we head down to Cambridge. Will has got a practice session this afternoon so Anne and I are going to have a walk around the town. It is not very big but what I have seen so far looks very interesting. We walked down to one of the local pubs last night and met up with some of the shooting team for tea. Very quaint. One day while we are here Anne and I will visit Blair Castle, I'm looking forward to that. It is raining off and on here at the moment but I am hoping the sun might come out for a while this afternoon. Till tomorrow Thanks for dropping by Cheers Julie

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