
Thursday, June 21, 2012

My first post from the UK. We arrived here yesterday morning at 6am. 2:30pm Australian time. We had no problems getting through Heathrow and were sitting at the Park Inn Hotel waiting for the delivery of our motor home well befor 7am. The motor home arrived at about 9:15 and we were very glad to see it. By the time the fellow explained everything to us it was after 11 by the time we got away from there. We drove to Bisley using the directions given to us by the sat nav. I bought a sim card for my phone before we left London and I must say I am very happy with it so far. I have not as yet bought a sim for my iPad so I am sitting outside one of the clubs here at the Bisley Rifle Range to post this with their wi-fi. When we arrived in Bisley we stopped and bought a few basic food supplies and some lunch then drove out to the Rifle Range where we were booked into the caravan park. Well what a surprise, we are used to Australian standards and they certainly don't apply here in the UK. The ground is not level and the ablutions block is at least 500 meters away and comes out of the arc. One thing it does have in its favour are the surroundings, it is very picturesque. We saw a squirrel this morning, very cute. We had planned to go out for tea last night but none of us could be bothered so we didn't really have tea in the end. We were in bed pretty early but we were also up very early this morning as well. Will got up at 5:20 which woke Anne and I up. An early start to today. We decided to go for a drive to Woking and see if we could find a better park to stay at. No luck, they don't have parks all over the place like we do, so we have to stay where we are. The countryside is very nice and I enjoyed the drive. Will on the other hand did not enjoy it very much at all as the roads are very narrow and the van is very wide. The weather today and yesterday is great. The sun is out and it is quite warm. This is going to change tomorrow apparently so I am sitting in the sun making the most of it while I can. We are going to go out for tea tonight, well that is the plan, have to wait and see if we have got the energy. I am feeling more tied today than I was yesterday. I have taken a photo of the park but the cord I need to transfer the photo from my camera to the iPad is under the bed and Will is having an snooze right now so will post it tomorrow Thanks for dropping by Till next time Cheers Julie

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