Saturday, July 7, 2012
Rain rain go away, came again when I'm not here!!!
I have to say the rain is starting to get me down. I came over here expecting summer and so far we have had sun for half a day yesterday a few hours on another day and half a day in Scotland.
We picked up the hire car this morning and drove to Oxford. It rained all the way there and the traffic was pretty heavy, making it difficult for Will who was driving.
We stopped at a pub on the outskirts of Oxford and had lunch and decided we would just have a drive around and have a look as it was way too wet to get out and walk around. The one way streets and no entry roads made it impossible for Will to get anywhere near the centre of town so we headed home. Very disappointing day.
I took these 2 photos through the windscreen of the car. They are not very good.
When we finally got back to the van Anne and I went to Woking to the laundrette and did the washing and drying.
We are supposed to be going to London tomorrow, I hope the rain eases up otherwise it will be very unpleasant. Will starts shooting at 8am so we have to be ready for him to drop us off at the bus stop in the village so he can be back here by 8, that means we have to be ready to leave at about 7:30 - 7:40. Yuck. The first bus leaves the village at 8:05 so we will have a bit of a wait.
That's it for today
Hopefully I will have some cheerier news to share with you tomorrow.
Thanks for listening to my grumbling
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