
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Up early this morning to pick Anne up from the airport at 8 am. We arrived at 7:45pm to find that her flight was delayed by one and three quarter hours.

We filled the time in just sitting in the glorious sun. It was so nice to see the sun and it has been magnificent all day.

When we finally got home from the airport at 10:30 we had a chat and catch up then went and got some groceries for dinner.

Anne and I then spent some time deciding on a 2 day trip we would like to do. We then walked down to the shops and I changed the British pounds I had left into Swiss franks and went to the post office to buy a post pack to send some things home that I no longer need.

Tomorrow we are driving to a gun manufacturer near Lucerne to pay for a gun for one of Will's friends and have a bit of a look around the area. I have been to Lucerne before but it will be nice to re-visit the area.

On the way home we are going to call in at the railway station and book the train trip we picked today. It is a 2 day trip and takes us into the Italian part of Switzerland. I will give you more detail when we take the trip.

Yesterday Will and I went to visit Madelaine, a friend of Anne and Will's that we stayed with off and on last time I was here. We sat in her back yard in the sun and had a cup of tea while her and Will caught up. They were talking in Swiss German so I did not understand anything they were saying but they tried to include me as much as they could. Madelaine's English is 100% better than my Swiss German.

I actually got a bit sunburned, a bit of colour. I can't believe the great weather we have had since we got to Switzerland. Soooo great. I hope it hangs around for a while.

That's it for this time
Hopefully I will have some photos to share tomorrow night.
Thanks for dropping by
Till tomorrow

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