
Friday, August 17, 2012

Hi everyone, it has been a while since my last post but I have been pretty busy.

I am going to share the last of the photos from my trip today.

After we had been to the thermal baths on Thursday morning, Will dropped Anne, Madeleine and I off at a village not far from where we had been staying. Madeleine took us up a very steep hill to have a look at an artist village where various artists have studios and they come there to work at various times. It is very ramshackle and looks like struggling artist stuff, not how I would like to work.

Anyway the pieces that were on display were a mixer as you would expect. Some I really liked and some were not to my taste.

These are two of the pieces. The first one I like. The second one is OK but not something I would be tempted to buy.

It was quite a warm day and the sun was shining nicely so walking along this beautiful path was a delight even thought it was up quite a steep hill. Beautiful!!!!

This is Regensberg and is situated at the top on the hill we walked up. It is an old village that is still lived in. Anne, Will and I had gone there earlier in the holiday to have a good look around. It is a circular village with the high wall all around it. It has it's own well so that it could be fully self contained in case of attack in the early days.

I left Zurich on Friday and flew to London. Spent and hour and a half getting from terminal 5 to terminal 4 where my flight to Kuala Lumpur departed from then had a bite to eat before boarding the plane.

When I arrived in KL I took a motel room and had 3 hours sleep before boarding the plane to Adelaide.

During the flight to Adelaide there was a medical emergency on the plane so we were diverted to Jakarta to drop the patient off so they could be taken to hospital. 3 hours later we left Jakarta and flew to Adelaide. We arrived in Adelaide at 10am instead of 7am so I was very glad to get off the plane and walk through my front door.

Sunday afternoon Ray & I went to the Southern Country Music function at the Lockleys Bowling Club to hear Wildcard. It was just what I needed to keep me awake. When we came home I did the washing and tried to keep myself busy until it was bedtime. I can tell you I didn't have any trouble going to sleep on Sunday night. To be back in my own bed again was luxury.

Monday Tuesday and Wednesday I was very industrious and got lots of things caught up. Thursday though I fell in a hole and did not do anything for the whole day, just sat around talking to Ray and drinking cups of tea.

Thursday night we went to dancing lessons, it was great to see my friends after such a long time. Trying to catch up on the missed steps was a bit daunting but oh well I have got plenty of time for that.

Today has been another slack day on my behalf, all I have done today is the paperwork for our visas ready for our trip to Vietnam in early October, and I haven't even finished that. We have to get passport photos taken to attach to the visa applications. I had planned to do that today but Ray and one of his mates left here at 10am to go tool shopping and got back at 4pm so there was no time for photos. Never mind Monday will do.

Tonight we are going to Legends. The band is Rave On and I am quite looking forward to it. Have not been dancing for a long time.

Well that's it for this post
Till next time

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