
Friday, August 3, 2012

Today nothing much has happened.
We cleaned the house we have been staying at and moved over to Madelaine and Heiny's.
Heiny is not well and I have not seen him yet but he is waiting for information on his next treatment. He has cancer of the liver and is waiting to find out when his treatment starts.
I tell you I am beginning to think this trip is jinxed. Heiny is one of the nicest people you could hope to meet and I don't like his chances. He is green to look at. One can only hope that the wonders of medical science can do something for him.
Anyway, tomorrow we are going to Le Locle were they have a clock museum. We will spend the night somewhere near there and if I am really lucky they will have a thermal pool we can go to in the evening.
I can't believe it is just over a week until I leave here. The time has just flown.
I got a sim card for my iPad today so I will be able to keep in touch. $39 for the month with 2 Gb of data.
Till tomorrow
Don't forget to send me an email

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