
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Thought it was time for a bit of a change. Hope you like the pink.

When I get back from holidays I am going to try some new page things on here. That might have to be a day when I don't need to see anyone as these things can be a bit trying.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time
Good morning

A quick post to share a couple of photos.

This first photo is of a layout I created for a class at Camelot showcasing the use of patterned papers

And this is the second Art Journalling Page I created for the She Has Three Hearts Workshop with Christy Tomlinson.  The background was created using crumpled sewing pattern, stuck down with Mod Podge and then layers of paint, stamping, stencilling and some doodling. The large purple heart is texture paste, covered with a good layer of microfine glitter then a circle stencil using pastilles. The 3 smaller hearts were made using image transfer from a page out of a junk mail catalogue.
Not completely happy with this page but I'm just trying different things. I think it is a bit too busy for my liking but it's all a learning curve. The reflections from the page don't really do it any favours here either. It is very hard to get a decent photo because the page buckles with all the various applications of wet medium. Anyway it's progress.

Getting very excited now. Only 2 more sleeps then off on that big silver bird again to see Cambodia and Vietnam.
I will endeavour to keep you posted with photos and news while I am away. Depends what sort of internet availability there is.

Off to start packing now so...

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I have finally got some photos to share.

These are the cards I have made for various friends birthdays in the coming few week
This first one is for a male and was inspired by a class I took with Nat May some time ago

This one was inspired by the Kaisercraft blog. It opens out to hold a gift card

This one holds a gift voucher on the tag that pulls out from the double fold

This is one I made with Mum when she was here visiting a couple of weeks ago

This is the layout I will be teaching at Camelot on Saturday. It demonstrates using Velum and transparencies, also a bit of hand sewing.

I have not done anymore to my Art Journal page but hope to get to it tonight and tomorrow.

I have had Charli for 2 days and overnight once this week so have been kept busy. She is such a delight I really enjoy my time with her. Going to be very unhappy next year when she goes to school and we don't see very much of her.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sooo the challenge is on.......

Last Thursday we went to dancing lessons and one of our friends was there who has been reducing her weight. When I saw her Thursday, as I had not seen her for a few weeks, the weight loss was so evident. She has lost 21kg and is looking fantastic.

I immediately felt dissappointed that I have not been doing anything lately to help my weight loss along, so in the car on the way home I decided that the time has come to get back into it. Also I agreed to do the City to Bay Fun Run with my two sisters next year so I need to start training for that.

I have lost 15kg over the last couple of years but I would like to loose another 3 - 5kg.

On friday morning and every morning since I have spent 30 minutes walking at 5.5 k.p.h on my treadmill. Today I have also vacumned the whole house and taken Daisy for a walk. Ray usually does these jobs but he is working 8 hours a day for the next 9 days so I thought I would do them for him. Any exercise is good right!!!

Have been busy making birthday cards. Haven't finished yet but will share when I have

Off to do a bit of shopping now.

Till next time
Thanks for dropping by

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I am not even going to say it....time flies and life is busy

I cannot even remember what has happened since my last post, there has been so much.

These are a few things I can remember:-

Mum came to stay for 4 days and we went to the Royal Adelaide Show.

A couple of sleepovers for Charli

Held our annual Pink and Purple rock n Roll fundraiser for Deaf CanDo

Checked out a house Cindy is interested in buying

Anne and Debra (sisters) came over from Port Lincoln for the City to Bay and I spent a couple of days catching up with them

Victor Harbour Rock n Roll festival took another day.

Go through wardrobe in spare room see what fits and what I will wear. Give the rest to St Vinnies

Sort through whole wardrobe for suitable cotton clothes to take to Cambodia/Vietnam.

Go shopping with Ray so he could buy some suitable clothes for our holiday

Hang all the pictures that have been waiting to be hung since we moved in 7.5 years ago

Annual visit to Accountant to get our tax returns done.

Preparing a layout and writing Requirements list and Instructions for this Saturdays class at Camelot

That is about as far as my memory goes.

I don't have any photos to share today. I have not finished page 2 of my art course as yet but I am hoping to get some time for that tomorrow.

Some thoughts:-
Outside my window it is a beautiful sunny day.

I am thinking we are going to dancing lessons tonight and I will see most of the people we are going away with. What questions do I need to get answers for.

I am thankful for my good life

I am wearing jeans and a top

I am going to have a very relaxing day tomorrow just playing around with some arty stuff

I am currently Reading Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy. I started reading this when I was in Switzerland and have not even looked at it since I got back. Will have to start all over again to get back into the story.

I am pondering Cindy's housing choices

I am hoping she is having a great time in Phuket and comes back all ready to pack her house up as she has to be out of it by 26th October

I am creating not as much as I would like but I like what I am creating.

On my, Cindy, Charli, Ray's new computer

From the kitchen..nothing. Not my favourite room and I don't spend a lot of time in it.

Around the house.. I bought 4 new sets of draws to keep my scrapbooking stuff in, then had to clean out a cupboard to keep them in. Very happy with them though. Lots of space for papers and embellishments

One of my favourite things..Crown Mints. At the moment I just have a craving for them and can't stop eating them till they are all gone. I shouldn't buy them but I can't stop myself

A few plans for the rest of the week... Arty stuff tomorrow, scrapbooking at Camelot on Saturday, some dancing Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.

Well if you have made it this far you are doing very well.

I will be back soon I hope with some photos of what I have created using the info in my She Had Three Hearts Course.

Starting to get a bit excited now, just under 2 weeks until we leave. Yipee!!!!

Anyway, thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hi everyone

We went and saw the Beach Boys on Sunday night... what a great show. I am not a big fan of the "Pet Sounds" album type of music but the old stuff that they are famous for was just fantastic. I must admit I was a but cautious about this show because they are 50 years older now and I was wondering if they would still be able to sing as well, there was absolutely no problems there, they can still belt out a song with the best of them. If you didn't go and you have the opportunity to catch them somewhere else, as the saying goes, do yourself a favour and go and see them, you will not be disappointed.

Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera so I don't have any photos of the occassion but loved it anyway.

It has been a busy week again. I am looking at week two of the videos in the She Has Three Hearts course I am doing with Christy Tomlinson.

This is a photo of the first page I have created for week 1. I am pretty happy with the way it has turned out.

I have used acrylic paints as the background, some stamping, bubble wrap stamping, rub-ons, and doodling. The hearts are scrap pieces of scrapbooking paper stuck to a piece of card and then cut into the heart shapes.

The course is for Art Journalling but I am not big on journalling and the idea behind doing this course was to get some new techniques for scrapbooking layouts so there is no journalling on the page. I could see me sticking a photo on here and putting it in my scrapbooking album though.

I am going to create a couple of other pages using some different mediums. I went to the Art shop on Tuesday and bought some water colour sticks and some pastels so I am off to play with them now

Till next time

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ahhh Sunday. Very peaceful around here. It is Father's Day and Ray has gone out to Mallala for a track day on his Ducati, which leaves me to do exactly what I please. Tonight we are going to the Entertainment Centre to see The Beach Boys, really looking forward to that.

I had a great day yesterday, scrapped all day. Did a class in the morning using a mask and lots of texture, then had my class at Camelot in the afternoon which was fun.

Last night we went to a Legends Rock n Roll Club function in the Serbian Hall with the band The Lincolns.

On Tuesday we took Charli to have her ears pierced. She picked her own earings (pink of course) and cried her eyes out when they had finished. I had organised for two girls to be there to do both ears at once as I knew that if she had them done one at a time the second one would never get done. Anyway she has forgotten all that now and loves her pretty earings. She has been wearing her hair up all the time to show them off.

I have spent a heap of time on the internet watching the videos that make up week 1 of the She Has Three Hearts Workshop that I purchased from Christy Tomlinson and I still have not watched the whole 28 videos. There is just so much information in these videos that I know I am going to have to watch them all again to take more of it in. This workshop is great value and I am very happy with what I have seen so far. I have made a very timid start, I have bought a Sketch book, glued some of the pages together for extra stiffness and Gessoed 3 pages ready to start some playing. I could not help myself, yesterday I bought a heap of masks to use in these courses. That is what I am going to do when I have finished this post, art play.

We had our immunisations for our Cambodia/Vietnam holiday on Friday. Made my arm ache for a few days but seems to be pretty good today. We have got our Visas for Cambodia and the Visas for Vietnam have been processed, just waiting for them to arrive in the mail. Only 4 weeks to go. Will have to start thinking about summer clothes to take.

Here are a few holiday snaps to share

This one is of a working flour mill in Blair Athol (Scotland). They grind their own flour and then use it to bake goodies which they sell in their coffee shop. Very quaint.

What a beauty this lady was. Audrey Hepburn at Madam Tussaud's

Me on the London Eye, probably about half way up

Just lion around at the London Zoo.

This photo was taken from high up on the banks of the river in Bern looking down on this fantastic old building. It looks like a doll house but it was a full sized two storey house alongside a 5 story building right next to the bridge.

That's it for today. I'm off to do some playing

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time