
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Not sure how this post is going to go but will give it a try anyway.

Yesterday we did the tour of all the temples. With a 4:30am pickup form our hotel it turned out to be a long day.

The sunrise over Anchor Wat was a little disappointing as there was not a lot of colour as it was a bit foggy. The temples over all are very interesting and as with all those buildings of early times the detail is just amazing. The carvings on all the walls and the spectacle of the ornate towers and just the magnitude of the buildings is so amazing.

Can't remember the name if the temple that is being taken over by the tree roots but that was another fantastic sight. I have seen photos of it and to be there and see it in real life was a great experience.

We spent the afternoon at the hotel in the pool, cocktails and then out to dinner at a really great restaurant. We had 5 courses and I must say I am really enjoying the Cambodian food. Some of it is a little too spicy but on the whole it is very tasty.

This is a photo of one of the lotus flowers at our hotel
Not sure if it is going to work.

During the afternoon Ray and I walked to the Main Street which is only about a 5 minute walk from the hotel and bought a birthday cake for Deb as it was her birthday yesterday. After dinner we all went back to Deb and Andre's room for champagne, scotch and birthday cake. We had a very pleasant time.

We are getting picked up at 11:30am today to be taken to the boat for our 7night cruise down the Mekong River. Really looking forward to that

Not sure what the Internet availability will be over the next week so will post again when I get the opportunity

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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