
Monday, January 28, 2013

We have been pretty busy since my last post. I had thought that 2013 might be a bit quieter than 2012 but it is starting off with a hell of a rush.

On Saturday 19th we went to Tanunda for their street party. We go just about every year and they always have a great band there, this year was the Sky Rockats and I really enjoyed their music. Of course Ray is in seventh heaven because there are cars, cars and more cars to look at.

We had Charli's birthday party on the 20th January. I made some of my sisters recipe chocolate mud-cake cupcakes, some jelly cups with half orange and half blue jelly with a lolly in the middle and my first batch of scones ever. I used my aunty's never-fail recipe and it worked a treat. The theme for the party was water and she had a water slide, pool, water pistols and all the kids were soaked. They loved it.
The birthday cake was an ice-cream cake with shards of white chocolate around the edges. Very delicious.

I was supposed to take Daisy to the vet on Wednesday but forgot all about it so had to take her on Thursday instead. She is having her 6 monthly course of 4 x weekly injections for her arthritis. So it off to the vet each Thursday for the next couple of weeks.

Thursday was Charli's actual birthday so Ray and I joined Cindy and Charli at Cafe Primo for a celebratory dinner.

Friday Ray and I drove to Stone Hut to stay with our friends for the night. We got there about lunch time and spent a very pleasant afternoon and night catching up. Anne made some very delicious food and we had a few drinks. Unfortunately when we woke on Saturday morning we got the news that one of our friends, who we stayed with from time to time while in Switzerland, had passed away during the night, put a bit of a dampener on the day.

Saturday we were in Wilmington by 8:30 for the Australia Day breakfast and the book launch of the book that Ray's cousin Lorraine Potts has been involved in putting together. The book is on the history of Wilmington and the families there. Ray was quite keen to buy one and see what it had to say about his family. We were going to stay the night with Lorraine and go to the Rodeo but changed our minds and after spending a pleasant afternoon with Ray's relatives we headed home. We arrived back here about 8:30 and Cindy invited us to her place for dinner so that worked out very nicely.

Yesterday we spent a couple of hour at two different pubs in Port Adelaide listening and dancing to a couple of local bands. Very relaxing and most enjoyable.

Today has been pretty laid back. We have actually had a bit of rain here today. I have done a bit of work on my current double page layout on the flowers I received for my birthday but it is not finished yet. I have spent a lot of time on the background so will be interesting to see how it finishes up.

Next week looks just as crazy as this past week. Time to go and watch some telly (I see that Scrap It TV is on for 1.5 hours this evening) and do the ironing so it is out of the way.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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