
Sunday, February 10, 2013

A great day today. I have spent the better part of the day up-dating the card, layout, off the page and art journal pages on this blog. If you want to have a look at the new additions just click on the name to the right of this post. I still have more off the page projects to add but have to get busy with the camera before I can do that.

Later this afternoon we went down to Port Adelaide to listen to the band "The Lincolns" at the First Commercial Hotel. They were great as usual and we had a very relaxing and pleasant couple of hours. Good music, a few drinks and a few dances. What more could a girl ask for.

I have just finished the washing and am about to go and veg out and watch a few of the programs I have recorded through the week.

Before I do here are a few thoughts.

outside my window....  it is dark but the weather is still very pleasant. I have been out there pegging the clothes out.

I am thinking.... I have had a great day

I am thankful for.... my good life, family and friends

I am 3/4 pants and a khaki t-shirt, no shoes

I am going to.... enjoy relaxing in front of the telly very soon

I am currently reading... nothing at the moment but I am getting very close to starting a new book. I like to read while I am on the treadmill and I keep promising myself I will start tomorrow....

I am jobs for tomorrow

I am hoping.... that I get a bit more energetic this week and do more exercise

I am creating.... a few more cards and start a new layout. I may even get around to doing the next lesson in the art journalling on-line class I am doing at the moment

on my mind...two of my sisters

from the kitchen.... Bundaberg Ginger Beer...just love it

around the house... all is pretty quiet. I would like to get a ceiling fan in our bedroom before the next heat wave so should get started on that.

one of my favourite things...good rock and roll music

a few plans for the week... Monday and Thursday I am going to Yogalaties, Wednesday I am going to Chi Ball, pick Charli up from school on Tuesday and take her to her piano lesson, hopefully get on the treadmill

a picture to share... a Singapore Sling at Raffles in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Beautiful.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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