
Thursday, February 21, 2013

It has been a pretty uneventful week here.

On Monday night we went to the cinema in Rundle Street and saw Life of Pi in 3D. God I love 3D, so life-like. A very deep thought provoking movie, I am still thinking about it from time to time. After the movie we sat in Rundle street and had a drink thinking that it would be a hive of industry seeing as how the fringe is on but it was very quiet. We only had one drink and Ray had something to eat and then we came home.

Tuesday we were going to go to the Adelaide Rock and Roll Club but Ray was in a foul mood and I could not be bothered putting up with it so we stayed home and I did the ironing!!!!

Today I went to Yogalaties, I have been going each monday and thursday for a few weeks now, it is a mix of yoga and pilates. I am really enjoying it.

Early this afternoon I went to Glenelg to Casual Image and spent half of the voucher my friends gave me for my birthday present. I bought this black light-weight jacket. I am pretty pleased with it. I tried to buy one a couple of months ago and they did not have my size but today when I went in, there it was.

I am making slow progress with my layout but have not have the interest to do much to it this week. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will finish it off. I have got the basic layout finished it is just the embellishing that I need to do now. Every time I think about it my mind goes into overload as there are so many things I want to incorporate, die cuts, chipboard, flowers, film strip, ornamental pins and so it goes on.

Anyway enough of my babbling
Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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