
Friday, March 8, 2013

It's Friday and another week is just about over.

I spent the day just relaxing and taking it easy on Tuesday after my day surgery on Monday because I had a very hectic Wednesday and Thursday to get through. I think the people at the classes must have wondered what had happened to me because by Wednesday I had two beautiful very black eyes and was still quite swollen in the face. My black eyes are yellow now and my face is just about back to normal size.

Anna Dabrowska aka Finnabaire, a teacher from Poland, was here in Adelaide and I had booked into three of her classes before the day surgery was apparent. On Wednesday I did 2 layout classes at Seriously Scrapbooking and on Thursday morning I did the Journal cover class at Paper Flourish. Finn has a different style of teaching, she gives you your supply kit, demonstrates the technique, then tells you to go ahead and create something with the broad range of product and her general guidance. It was very creative.

This is a look at what I created during the classes.....

Journal Cover



Quite colourful but grungy at the same time. I love them.

Today I have done the grocery shopping and been to the hairdresser and tonight I am looking forward to a very relaxed evening of a couple of champagnes and reading my book.

Thanks for dropping
Till next time

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julie
    Glad to hear you are looking better. Wasn't the classes amazing and so much fun


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