
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Aaaah another post so soon.

I took some photos today of the Folio's I made for my friend. I forgot to take them before I gave them to her so had to wait till today to get photos.

I bought the instructions to create this folio from a youtube tutorial I saw and thought it was great. Mum and I made one each and I have shown you those in a previous post. It is such a lovely looking album and holds over 50 photos so it is good for recording an event or for showing a journey through someones life.

It is very time consuming to make, it took me 2 days to make just one of these.

Ray is DJ'ing tonight and I am busy getting packed to head up to Port Douglas tomorrow.
Ray is still not all that well and unfortunately I think the dreaded lurgy is creeping up on me.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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