
Friday, May 17, 2013

Another friday night and we are at home again. We must be getting old as we have not been out on a friday night for about 3 weeks now. It could be the colder weather and that there is nothing on that we really want to go to. Not long now and we will be sunning ourselves in Port Douglas and then the Gold Coast for 3 glorious weeks. Just have to keep my fingers crossed that the weather will be kind to us while we are up there, no cyclones and no rain I am hoping.

I have been very busy. Don't ask me what I have been doing but the time has flown.

I am in the process of making a couple of albums for a friend and that has kept me on my toes.

Tomorrow I have got my weekly class at Camelot. Then tomorrow night we have got Charli overnight while Cindy goes to a quiz night that Charli's school is putting on.

a few thoughts to share:-

outside my is cold and dark. There has been plenty of rain over the last few days and I have been picking tomatoes off my potted bush but I think the poor old thing is turning ups its roots and departing this world. I won't be getting many more tomatoes from it.

i am thinking....If I am getting too lazy and that I should be making an effort to go out tonight. Were is the line between laziness, disinterest and nothing fun to go to? I can remember when I would not stay home on a friday night no matter what.

i am thankful charmed life. Even though I get lazy and lethargic around doing things I am happy that I have the choice and that no matter how I am feeling, if I want to make the effort I can do or go anywhere I want to.

i am everyday clothes. Slacks , t.shirt and windcheater. I must admit I do have a singlet and ugg boots on tonight.

i am going some more work on the albums I am working on tonight. Tomorrow night I am going to help Charli decorate a box we bought today.

i am currently reading.... since I got started on Candy Crush I have not done any reading. Every time I sit down with a few minutes to spare I got into Candy Crush instead of reading a book. Very addictive.

i am pondering... what clothes I will need to take on holidays. Will need to check the weather forecasts for those areas and start work on getting organised. I am sure there must be something I have to buy to take with me.

i am hoping...for good weather while we are away and that Daisy will not be too hard for Cindy to manage.

i am creating...a couple of albums for a friend. When I have finished that I am going to get back to my Switzerland album from 2009.

on my mind....everything

from the kitchen...Yellow

one of my favourite things...Yogalaties. I must say that since I started doing yogalaties twice a week I am becoming addicted. I really enjoy it and look forward to each lesson. if they had it 5 days a week I would go. The only downfall is that it starts at 9:30 so I need to be up earlier than usual. I don't have to go very far. I leave home at about 9:15.

a few plans for the rest of the week....God knows. play it by ear. Take Daisy to the vet to get some more tablets for her arthritis. She is really showing her age and I worry about her. I certainly don't want her to be in pain and her rear quarters do not work as well as they used to.

one picture to Dad

That's it for this post
Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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