
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hi there

I have not got much to tell you in this post as since my last post I have had Charli for 2 days and then been sick for the last 5 so haven't been doing very much at all. Energy level is zero and inclination is there with it.

I have spent a couple of hours over the last couple of days working on a papercraft item but it is not complete yet so will share it when it is finished.

I don't think I have shared this double layout with you. I thought I had but when I had a look back through my posts it wasn't there.

This layout shows my progress through life to my 60th birthday. I really enjoyed making it. The hardest part was deciding which photos to include.

And a couple of closeups

Hope to be back soon with some more stuff to share

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Monday, July 15, 2013

It's been a while since I wrote anything here so thought I would do that tonight.

We have been pretty busy with life in general. We haven't been doing anything special but our time is always filled with something.

Mum came to stay with us for 5 days the week before last. She bought the family scrapbook with her and I scanned some newspaper clipping that relate to Ray, Cindy and I. Not many, only three. One of them is at the end of this post. Just love looking back over old photos.

Ray worked Monday to Friday last week from 11:30 to 3:30 and even though that is only 4 hours a day it takes up the whole day for him really. He is also working the same hours this week.

I have been going to Yogalaties twice a week and am still enjoying it. Last Monday I had a massage just for something different.

Tomorrow I have got Charli for the day, she will sleep here tomorrow night and I will look after her on Wednesday until Cindy finishes Uni Wednesday night. Charli gets up very early, generally between 5 and 6 am, so that makes it a long day and I will be warn out by the time I go to bed Wednesday but I enjoy time spent with her. She is very easy to look after. She is happy to play with my iPad or watch cartoons on the computer. She also loves to complete puzzle books and any of the learning series of books whether it is math, writing, reading or puzzles. We will probably go over to Westlakes tomorrow and she can choose a new book to play with and I guess there will be some baking and a trip to the playground in there somewhere as well.

I am still holding my scrapbooking classes at Camelot on a saturday afternoon. The number of students who attend goes up and down but I enjoy doing it so as long as someone wants to come along I will keep doing it.

Some thoughts to share...

outside my is dark and cold. Glad it is not raining as I have just finished the washing and pegged it out. Hoping to get it dry tomorrow as there is no rain forecast.

i am thinking...about my next scrapbooking projects. I've got so many thoughts going around my head that they all get jumbled and I can't sort them out. I think I should just start and see what comes out the other end.

i am thankful for...having the freedom to do what I want when I want to do it.

i am pyjamas, dressing gown and ugg boot. I finally got around to getting new inserts for my ugg boots last week after thinking about it for about 3 years. So warm and comfortable.

i am going to...enjoy the next couple of days with Charli. Hopefully I might get some nice photos to scrap.

i am currently reading...Scrapbooking Memories

i am pondering...a trip to Mildura for the Country Music Festival. I am not a big country music fan but I do like country rock and am thinking that there might be a bit of that on offer. Don't know yet???

i am hoping...Ray doesn't get wet at work this week. My clothes dry tomorrow. I am not stiff tomorrow from Yogalaties this morning

i am layouts for my Switzerland 2009 album

on my mind...the next few days

from the kitchen...A fresh pot of vegetable soup I made today

around the house...had a quote to replace the roman blinds in the lounge room and the curtains in the dining room. Just waiting to hear if they have enough fabric in stock to do them all before I order them.

one of my favourite this weather, the sun.

a few plans for the rest of the week...Charli, yogalaties, shopping, dancing.

one picture to share...a clipping from the paper announcing our engagement. 1972. What a lovely couple!!!!

Well if you have made it this far, thanks for sticking with me
Till next time

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hi again

Another quick post to show you the double layout I have just finished for my Switzerland 2009 Album

This page has extra photos under the two photos with tabs

This page has a pocket behind the brown and green paper to hold the extras and my diary page for the day

Have to get going. I have to have something to eat before I head off to teach my class at Camelot at 1pm.

Till next time
Thanks for dropping by

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hi there.

Just a quick post as I am about to take Daisy to the vet for her annual injection and her arthritis injection. Poor thing will feel like a pin cushion.

Just wanted to share an album cover I did for a client


and back.

It's very hard doing work for other people as you don't know if they will like it or not. Don't think I want to do that anymore. Way too nerve wracking.

Anyway I'll be back soon
Till then
Thanks for dropping by