
Saturday, September 21, 2013

And so the closing of a chapter (album). This is the final double layout for my Switzerland 2009 album.
I am looking forward to doing some non travel related pages for a while but then it is back to my 2011 trip to the UK and Switzerland.

We did not go out last night. Ray was feeling a bit warn out and still stiff and sore in the back so we decided to stay home. We may go out tonight for a while, depends what is on.

I spent the last couple of days in Niederweningen (an outer suburb of Zurich) at the home of Anne and Will's friends Madeleine and Heini. These last pages show their home, the car we had while we were there and a photo of the 5 of us. In the pocket, made using a printed transparency, under the large photo are my diary pages for the last few days and my return travel documents.

The postcard shown here under the photo was sent to my by Madeleine and Heini after I returned to Adelaide. I have put it on a hinge so I can still read the message on it.

Off to my class at Camelot this afternoon.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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