
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday today and what a beautiful day it is. Father's Day as well.

It has been a pretty lazy day for me today. Ray got up about 8ish and went for a ride on his motorbike with some friends and I slept in till about 9:30ish. I made up some laundry powder and some Miracle spray (used for cleaning the shower) then got into some scrapbooking.

We went to the Adelaide Rock and Roll Clubs Masquerade Party last night with our good friends Jan and Frank. The band was the Barstool Philosophers and Ray was the DJ. I really like this band and we had quite a few dances.

I have finished my latest double layout for my Switzerland 2009 album. I have used some texture paste to create the dots down the sides and made the embellishments using stamps and embossing powder

Well on to the next layout. I am up to the 5th May and my holiday finished on the 15th May so on the home stretch now.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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