
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Today is saturday... I am feeling a little lost today. I have had my class at Camelot this afternoon but that is about all I have done all day.

Ray is DJ'ing in Kadina tonight and I decided not to go with him as he is working alone and will be busy all night. I had great plans of getting into lots of scrapbooking and messy stuff but just can't seem to get into it. I sat down in front of the telly to eat my tea and ended up watching the kids movie that came on after the news and have only just got into my craft room. I have got lots of scrapbooking "stuff" out and sitting on my work table but just can't seem to work up the enthusiasm to make anything of it.

We had a great trip to Loxton/Berri/Renmark last weekend. We stayed at our friends house in Loxton and on Friday night we went to the Renmark hotel for the River Rockers 20th Anniversary celebrations which were held over the whole weekend. The band was Jam Train and Ray was the DJ. On Saturday afternoon after Ray had set is DJ stuff up in the Berri Town Hall ready for the saturday night function we went out to the Woolshed Brewery and had a couple of drinks with our friends sitting on the deck overlooking the Murray. A great spot, would recommend it if you are up that way.
The saturday night function had The Cruise Bothers as the band and it was packed as usual.
Sunday was the farewell breakfast at Martin Bend but I did not go as I had been up most of the night sitting on the toilet. When Ray got back from that we drove home and I spent the next 3 days as close as possible to a toilet. Was glad when wednesday arrived and I felt better.

So, as I have not been doing any crafty stuff, will share some thoughts with you tonight instead.....

outside my window... it is a really nice night. It is pitch black but the weather is fine.

I am thinking... why aren't I making the most of this great opportunity to get scrappy.

I am thankful for... my life. I am so lucky to be where I am. I do appreciate it but sometime ...

I am wearing... track pants and windcheater

I am going to... go to bed soon and hope that I wake up in a better frame of mind tomorrow.

I am currently reading ...Australian Scrapbooking Ideas

I am pondering... a few days away with a couple of my sisters.

I am hoping ... the weather is kind to us while we are away as we will be camping

I am creating... nothing???

On my mind ... anxiety about my lack of interest in things at the moment.

From the kitchen ... Ginger beer. My new favourite drink. I had a go at making some but I used recycled coke bottles and caps and the gas leaked out so the ginger beer was flat. Threw all that in the bin and need to start all over again. Am going to buy brown bottles and new caps and hope that works. I used to make ginger beer years ago and never had any problems with it but I did use glass bottles with crown caps and white sugar, this time I used raw sugar

Around the house... I need to do the dusting. I can write my name on the furniture

One of my favourite things ... the seaside

A few plans for the rest of the week... alter some trousers for me and fix a t-shirt for Charli. Buy some shorts. Tomorrow we are going to the Coast FM open day for a couple of hours.

One picture to share... Winchester Cathedral. Love the song and had to go and see it while I was in the UK last year.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

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