
Friday, January 19, 2018

Mum layout for Creative Inspiration

Good Morning

It is as hot as Haidies here today, supposed to get to 41 but could get higher. I am going into town to have lunch with my daughter so I will have to brave the elements

I am sharing a layout I did for the Mini Crop over at Creative Inspiration. There are multiple themes but mine is Family, pretty easy really because most of our scrapping is about family.

I have created an interactive page about my Mother, The main picture shown on the front of the layout opens up to show various photos of her during her life stages.

I have used various paper manufacturers in this layout as I want to use up papers from my stash to get rid of as much as I can. I have also used some gold printed velum, some die cuts and some fabric flowers from Kaisercraft.

Why not pop over to Creative Inspiration and have a go.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time


  1. Saw this through paper people. BEAUTIFUL. Like the interactive picture and the colors you used. Fun way to scrap your Mum. In the US that would be Mom. I like Mum.
    Read your bio. We have lots in common. Just found a new blog to follow. ✂💙🐶

  2. Thank you Dawn. Hope to see you around in blog land


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