
Thursday, June 28, 2018

"Love This" Layout

Hi There

So we are back from Queensland and boy is it cold here. I am taking a while to acclimatise from the 23 degrees C up there to the 13 degrees C here. I have got so many clothes on I can hardly walk and the heater is going overtime. I can't complain I have had 7 weeks of beautiful Queensland weather.

I have been busy with all the things you have to do when you get home from holidays and tomorrow I go to the hairdressers so I think by lunchtime tomorrow I will be back to "normal", whatever that might be.

The papers used on this layout are Kaisercraft's "Dream Big" collection.

The horizontal strips are Washi tape. Some collectable, hand made tags, Glimmermist splatters in the background and an edge punch by Martha Stewart make up this layout

I have only got 2 "Retreat" layouts left to share with you so I had better get busy and start making some more.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Mark and Jenna's Wedding Layout

Good Evening.

Our time away from home is nearing the end. We have only got 3 more days before we are sleeping in our own bed. I must admit that the bed here in Queensland is great but there is never a bed as good as your own is there?

This is yet another retreat layout and as I have not got the layout with me I cannot remember what paper brand or range I used.

A fairly straight forward layout with a bit of Texture Paste through a stencil to add a bit of texture to the paper layers.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Friday, June 22, 2018

Little Moments Layout

Good afternoon.

Another post so soon. I am on a mission to get all of these retreat layouts posted to my blog so you will be seeing a lot of me over the next week or so.

This layout was created using a Kaisercraft paper range that I can not remember the name of. I usually write the name of the paper range on the back of my layouts but because I am not at home I cannot have a look to see what it is. I have a lot of Kaisercraft papers as I like their patterns and the quality of their paper. I also find that the different collections often go very well together so you can use your scraps from a number of collections to make a layout.

I have used 3 of the branding strips on this layout, some of their stickers, a cut apart, some Rik Rak and I have embossed some cardstock with a lovely Diasy embossing folder.

I originally stuck the Rik Rak down with double sided tape but found it did not want to stay put so I ended up using some clear drying wet glue to do the job.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Helping Poppy Layout

Good Afternoon,

I am still in Queensland and while the temp here has dropped to 23 degrees Celsius it is way better than the 11 degrees they are experiencing in Adelaide with cold winds and rain. Unfortunately we only have one week left here so I will have to start preparing myself  for the cold and wet and rugging up.

Today I am posting another of the layouts I created at the Scrapping from Scratch retreat in April. I can't believe the number of layouts I got finished there.

The photo shows my grand daughter helping my husband clean the grout  between the tiles on the kitchen floor. She always wants to help.

The papers are from a paper pad I bought at Spotlight, It is a very thick pad, about 100 pages I think, and was on clearance for about $5. As I am not at home I cannot tell you what brand it is but I have had a lot of use out of it.

All of the edges have been distressed and I have done some doodling on one of them. I have used a couple of punches and wrapped some twine around the photo mat. The title was made with some stickers from my stash.

The black circles were made using the lid from a Glimmermist bottle and an ink pad.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Monday, June 18, 2018

You Are My Sunshine Layout

Hello friends

Today I want to share yet another layout I did at the Scrapbooking From Scratch retreat I did in April.

I have still got about 5 or 6 more that I have not shared yet. Perhaps I should get a wriggle on.

This is such a simple layout but it is one of my favorites. The inspiration for this layout came from Pinterest

The photo was taken in my kitchen when my grand daughter was about 3 year old.

The patterned papers are by Kaisercraft.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Monday, June 11, 2018

First Short Haircut Layout

Hello everyone

This is another layout from the retreat I attended recently.

The paper is a Kaisercraft paper but I cannot remember the name of the range.

I have trimmed the background card stock down to 11.5" x 12" and punched down one of the 12" edges, then added a thin strip of black to both vertical edges.

I have splattered assorted inks in the background, torn some edges, sprayed a paper doily with some Glimmermist and die-cut the flowers and hearts from the same patterned papers as I have used in the rest of layout.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Creative Inspiration June Magazine

Hi there

Just sharing a link to Creative Inspiration Magazine for June.

I have been lucky enough to get some of my layouts published in it.

Check it our HERE

I will be back this afternoon to share a layout.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Friday, June 8, 2018

Creative Inspiration Thursday Stash Challenge

Hi there

Tonight I am sharing a layout that I used for the Thursday Stash Challenge over at the Creative Inspiration Forum

I am a bit late sharing this layout with you because I spent the day yesterday at the Brisbane Papercraft Show and did a great class with Cathy Cafun. It is not finished yet but I will show it to you when I have put the finishing touches to it. Today my day has been spent at the Cooley Rocks On festival so I have had no time to spend on the net.

The challenge is to use your scraps (no bigger that 8" x 2") and your punches.

I have used 5 punches on this layout and lots of scraps

The background of this layout was a piece of cardstock that already had the embossing on it. I swiped a pink inkpad over the cardstock to bring the embossing out a little.

This is a very simple layout and I hope you will pop over to the Creative Inspiration Forum and give it a go. Great prizes to be won.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time

Monday, June 4, 2018

Cindy 1973 - 1978 Layout

Good afternoon

I am away from home on holiday for 7 weeks, but I did bring a few things with me so I could do some scrapbooking while I am here.

This layout is the first I have done since I have been here. (Over 3 weeks)

Sorry about the quality of the photo. I do not have Photoshop on this Laptop to brighten it up a bit.
*Note I have since changed the photo for a better quality one.

The papers used for this layout are old Basic Grey papers from my stash. I can't even begin to guess how long I have had them. Basic Grey don't even exist anymore

The layout is fairly basic as I did not bring a lot of stuff with me, flying does restrict you like that.

I have splattered some Black Magic Glimmermist in the background and distressed and inked all of the patterned papers.

The title is made with some coordinating alpha sticker with a little doodling added.

Thanks for dropping by
Till nest time

Friday, June 1, 2018

DT Layout for Off The Rails June Mood Board

Hello everyone

Today I am sharing a layout I did for the Mood Board over at Off The Rails Scrapbooking. This will be my last layout for this Design Team as I am going to be away from home a great deal in the second half of the year and I do not think I can do the position justice. Hopefully I will be able to re-join the team next year. I have really enjoyed my time with the team and wish them every success for the future.

The theme June is beach, water, sun, bikinis.

This is my layout

and this is the mood board

The background for my layout was created using Docrafts Artiste spritzing ink in Electric Blue and the "packaging" technique. Then I have used a Deep Red Water Droplets Background stamp with Distress Ink in Broken China for the bubbles. I did not use Gesso before I did this and you can see the paper is very crinkled even though I have stuck it to a sheet of chipboard to try and straighten it out.

The sun and the beach hut were cut files I found on the internet. I love the way the door of the beach hut opens. I have embossed the sun with 2 different embossing folders to give it a bit of texture

The small beach huts on the right of the layout were stamped then heat embossed with black. I then coloured the doors with my alcohol markers.

The title was cut on my Scan N Cut using one of their built in fonts.

The papers are a pack of free papers I got with a magazine I purchased some years ago. I am trying to use up all of the "stuff" I already have.

Thanks for dropping by
Till next time