
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Creating a mini album using printed card bases

 Good morning

Today I am sharing a mini album I made after watching a video by Heidi Swapp showing how she made a similar album using a pack of her printed card bases. 

I thought I would try making one similar so I purchased a pack of 12 printed cards from K Mart. I ended up having to buy another pack so I had enough to create all of the tags and pockets I wanted to make. I did end up with 9 cards left over so I used 15 in total.

To make the base album you will need 8 cards and 2 pieces of chipboard the same size as the cards.

I have a video showing how to make the album. It is only five minutes long so you might like to check it out. You will find a link to Heidi's video in the description box of my video.

There are a couple of different versions of this album. I have made the one that has a pocket between each page. I have used my sewing machine to stitch each pocket up but you can use tape or glue if you don't sew.

Don't forget to check out the video so you can try this easy and quick way to create a mini album.

Thanks for spending part of your day here with me today

Till next time
Stay safe

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