
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Today is Ray's birthday. It has been a pretty normal day for him but that is the way he wants it he says. I got him some tools he wanted for his bikes but he has had them for about a month now so today I went and bought him a mobile broadband connection so that when we go away he will be able to take my notebook and connect to the internet to keep in touch with all of his internet forums etc that he likes to browse. He seems to be pretty pleased with that.

It is also my sister Anne's birthday. Happy birthday Anne.

Last night we went to the Anzano Club to see the Party Cats. They are there the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Last night was the first time we have gone and I must say I did enjoy it. There were only about 30 people there, the band played great music and there was plenty of room on the floor. What more could a girl ask for. Champagne of course and there was plenty of that there as well.

I have basically wasted today, just couldn't get motivated to do anything although I did do the washing and the shopping and a half hour on the treadmill so not a complete waste I 'spose

This is the next page in my album. It's about some of the places I have been and covers my trip to Switzerland and Paris in 2009.

Here's hoping tomorrow will be a bit more productive and I will be more energetic.

Till next time


  1. That is just so beautiful, thanks for sharing your lovely work!

  2. Thanks for your lovely comment Kirsty. I appreciate it. Will pop over and check out your blog.


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