
Sunday, April 17, 2011

What a great weekend.

Friday night we went to Legends Rock n Roll Club. They had "The Lincolns" playing there. We had not heard them before, they were a bit too fast for Ray and I, more Rockerbilly than Rock n Roll, but it was good to sit and listen. There were heaps of people there. Lots of people we had not seen for a long time so all in all a good night.

Saturday afternoon of course I had my scrapbooking class at Camelot, Judy and I had a pleasant afternoon creating one and a half layouts for her grandchildren's albums . If anyone is interested in doing a class with me on a Saturday afternoon from 1:30 to 3:30 at Camelot, 159 Marion Road, Richmond just email me and I will give you all the details

Saturday night we went to a show at the Top of the Ark (Arkaba Hotel) as part of the "20 years of Rock n Roll Rendezvous" celebrations. The band was the Highlights and Ray was the DJ. What a great night. I have never been there before and the venue was great. The band was fantastic and Ray played great music as usual, the whole night was one of the best I have had is quite some time.

Today we went up to Birdwood to the Rock n Roll Rendezvous. The weather was perfect. Caught up with a lot of out of town friends and spent quite some time on the dance floor. Unfortunately Ray had to leave at 1pm to come back to work but I stayed on and came home with Wendy and Lindsay (Thanks again) when the show had finished. 

On the scrapbooking front:

Here is the next page in my album. This page is on things about me that people may not know

and this page is about what you will find in my handbag on any given day.

Tomorrow is Monday and I need to catch up on some of the household jobs that have not been done over the last few days. Don't mind really, it will be good to feel a little organised again

Love to hear a comment from you if you have the time
Till next time

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