
Monday, April 18, 2011

When I got up today I had nothing planned except to do the washing and go to a scrapbooking class tonight to do a page for my Book Of Me.

The washing was handled no problem and then I thought what now??

I walked into my craft room and saw 4 tops I had pulled out of the cupboard when I had a clean out a few days ago. They needed altering so I thought now is as good a time as any, so that is what I did. I now have 4 extra tops I can wear. While I was at it I let Ray's suit pants out ready to wear to the Rock n Roll Ball in July.

I worked on a page for my BOM tonight but it is not finished as I have not taken the photos for the page or done the heading and journalling. I will get to that over the next few days.

This is the last completed page of my album so from now on they will only appear as I complete them. I have only got 2 double (including the one I started tonight) and on single layout to do to complete the book. These pages are about things I want to do more of in 2011

Till next time

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