
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My first layout as a Design Team member for Black with 2. The criteria is black background with blue and yellow.

The blue border was a die cut sheet that I cut the middle out of. Lots of die cuts on this layout with the hearts and the lacy circles. The lacy circles were layered then two black eyelets inserted so the ribbon could be threaded through. The chipboard butterfly was painted black and then sprayed with Glimmermist

Why not check out the layouts by the other design team members

Look forward to reading your comments

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Here is my layout for the Stuck Sketches challenge. The criteria is that you have to use one of their sketched. This month they are celebrating their birthday so there was a choice of 4 sketches. I chose the first one but have only just got around to finishing it.

I liked the proportions of the sketch in the A4 format so have imitated an A4 page with the strip of paper in the middle of my 12 x 12 page. the layout was perfect for these photos of my daughter taken 33 years ago. She was playing on the front lawn while her Dad was doing some gardening. She was such a delightful child with the sweetest nature.

I have painted the chipboard then given it several coats of Iridescent Gold Glimmermist befor stamping on it with black ink. The title was stamped and embossed on transparency

A closeup of the chipboard layers.

Glad you could drop by. Love to read your comments.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


I have been selected to be a member of the Design Team at Black with 2   How exciting!!!!!!
I have not been on a DT before. A new experience that I can't wait to get started on. Woohoo!

There are 12 girls on the team and I am looking forward to working with them and drawing inspiration from their work.

Hope to see you over there for the reveal of each DT member during the next few days.


Friday, August 26, 2011

In Adelaide at the moment we are getting a dose of great weather. It has been sunny and 20 - 22 degrees for the last 3 days and it feels great.

Have been pretty busy but don't know what I have been doing for the last 5 days, isn't it funny how that happens. I have not stopped but to try and recall what I have done there are so many little insignificant things that mount up to make a full day, like grocery shopping, washing the dog etc. On Wednesday I went for a walk along the beach for an hour..very enjoyable.

One thing I have done is re-organise my scrap room. Not so much the furniture but my storage. I went and bought a heap of new containers that have high sides as I was sick of everything falling over the sides of the baskets I was using. That probably means I need to use some of my stash before I buy any more but who can help themselves when they see all the new goodies around. Anyway I am glad I have got that job done.

We are in the process at the moment of fighting over will we or won't we get solar panels. With the government cutting the feed back tariff as at the 30th September it is basically now or never and unfortunately Ray does not think that we will be living in this house long enough (6 - 7 years) to re-coup our outlay. I on the other hand think it is a great idea and once the panels have paid for themselves it is all clear savings. We have been here over 6 years now and I have no inclination to move but Ray seems to think we will not be here that much longer. I also think that if we did sell the house before the panels are paid for then we should be able to re-coup the difference in the selling price of the house.

Till next time

There is nothing like leaving things to the last minute!!

I have just finished my layout for White with One. The Criteria is white with purple and doodling.

I have sprayed the crochet doily with Fully Purple Glimmermist as it was a creamy colour. The spots on the background paper that holds the title are felt. The butterflies were stamped and embossed on transparency. The doodling is around the edge of the page and the white/mauve three layered flower

A close up of the flower cluster. Both flowers are handmade

Love to hear any comments you would like to leave

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday night and I am glad to be home.

It has been a very busy weekend. The show on Friday night at the Gov was very entertaining. The Fat Elvis's were followed by Chad Romero and Cabernet Cabaret, a very entertaining band. After that we all went back to Wendy and Lindsay's to have a look at John and Carol's holiday snaps. They have just got back from America. They were excellent and make you want to get off your butt and go and see these things for yourself. As usual Wendy outdid herself with the catering and I came home a kilo or two heavier.

Saturday afternoon I had my class at Camelot. An enjoyable two hours was spent with Judy and Gail.

Saturday night Ray was DJ'ing at a birthday party and I went to the Elvis Fan Club of SA's annual dinner dance. I had a good night. Bob did a great job of keeping all of the women at our table on the dance floor.

Today we went to the British Workingman's Club for a Cancer Council of SA fundraiser. The band was Jump n Jive and we had a great afternoon. It is Sharyn's birthday on Tuesday so we incorporated the celebration for that into the afternoon.

I am looking forward to tomorrow, a day at home with some scrapbooking included.

When I was in Whyalla Mum gave me a new peg bag. She makes these bags and most people use them for duster bags but I keep my dusters in a draw and use mine for my pegs. It is so cute.

My scrap room is such a mess. I have not put any of the stuff away that I bought in Whyalla and Mum gave me a heap of stuff as well so it looks like the proverbial bomb has been dropped in here.

I will make a start on cleaning up but I am going to watch the new Underbelly series that starts tonight at 8:30 so won't get a lot done before then.

Till next time

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back in Adelaide, unpacked and settled back in.

We had an uneventful trip home which is always good.

Going to see the Fat Elvis's at the Gov tonight with good friends so we are looking forward to that.

Pamela (sister) gave me a heap of Garfish and Whiting to bring home. I would say there is 4 - 5 kgs of fish and Ian (brother) gave me some Flathead fillets so will be eating delicious fish for a while to come.

As usual we always end up coming home with a lot more than we went with, it must be that we have more time on our hands so we go shopping when we are away.

I am looking forward to getting into some scrappin' on Monday. The weekend is so busy I know I won't get a chance to do any before then. Can't complain though, if I didn't have lots happening I would be complaining that life was boring.

These are 2 more pages from my Tasmanian Album

Well time to think about dinner, shower etc

Till next time

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thursday afternoon and I am in Whyalla.

On Monday Ray drove Mum's new Getz to Whyalla and I drove our car. It was an easy trip even though it rained all the way here. There was hardly any traffic and the overtaking lanes make it pretty easy to cover the distance. We did however, strike a house being transported to the Yorke Peninsular but it didn't hold us up for long. We got here about 2pm.

Mum seems happy with her new car so I hope she like it even more as she gets to know it better.

Mum had a small op on Monday and we picked her up from the hospital at about 7:30 in the evening.
She was a bit sore on Tuesday, getting better on Wednesday and today she is back to normal, so that is a very good thing.

I have been taking it pretty easy here. A bit of shopping, a bit of visiting and a lot of relaxing.

Tomorrow morning we will pack up and head for home.

No photo's to share today.
So till next post

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Just a quick post this afternoon

Outside my wind.... a beautiful sunny day
I am thinking about packing to go to Whyalla
I am thankful that Ray got home safely from his motorbike ride in the hills with his mates
I am swearing slacks and a T-shirt
I am going to the Port Dock Brewery Hotel this afternoon to see the Silverados
I am currently reading Deception by James Patterson
I am hoping everything goes well with Mum's op tomorrow
On my mind...lots
From the kitchen...cup of black tea
Around the craft room is a mess. I have got stuff everywhere
One of my favourite things.. my new Martha Stewart Score Board
A few plans for the rest of the Mum's new car to Whyalla for her
One picture to share.. A couple of envelopes I made using the MS Score Board and MS punches

Till next time

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ahhh life is good.

Yesterday was Charli day but I still managed to do both the washing and ironing so have got all my jobs out of the way for now. Last night I just sat in front of the TV and watched all the programs I had recorded over the weekend while we were away.

This morning we drove up to Stirling to see the accountant and arrange to get our tax returns filed. It was slow going. The traffic was heavy between here and the city and the fog was heavy on the freeway but all in all we had a pleasant morning.

I have just finished the card we did in Nat's class for the all day scrap. It has been sitting on my desk for 2 weeks now and I am glad I finally got it finished. It is a very pretty easel card in creams and apricots with lots of flowers. You can see it on her blog here. The post is dated Saturday 23rd July 2011

I bought a notebook a few weeks ago to collect information on things I want to see and do while I am overseas next year and I have decided to decorate it. It is spiral bound and has a canvas cover with a motif on it that was not appropriate for travel information so I have given it a few light coats of white acrylic paint to cover the motif up. I will decorate it with Glimmermist, tags etc and put tabs on the pages to separate the different countries I will be visiting and then it will be much easier to find the information when I need it.  More on that as I progress.

This is a photo of Ray & I taken at Wentworth on the weekend.

Hope you are all having a great day
Till next time

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lots have happened since my last post.

On friday we drove to Wentworth for the Rockin at the Junction festival.

The band for the weekend was the Party Cats and Ray was the DJ. There were functions on the Friday night and the Saturday night at the Wentworth Club and also on Saturday afternoon. So plenty of music, dancing and catching up with friends. Had a great time and they tell us it is going to happen again next year so keep the first weekend in August free for a great rock n roll weekend in Wentworth in 2012.

I have been a bit more energetic since we got home and have managed to complete my layout for the Black with 2 challenge. The criteria is black background with green and no flowers. I have sprayed the background with Black Magic glimmermist using a Prima mask. I have stamped and heat embossed the black hearts on the plain green bazzil. the butterflies, title and hollow hearts have a coat of Dimensional Magic. The chipboard hearts and frame have been painted with black acrylic paint.

A close-up of the decoration in the top corner. the jewel was an earring I bought at an op shop and cut the back off of. The chipboard frame is from Imaginarium Designs

Now that I am feeling a bit more energetic I think I will start another layout tonight.

Looking forward to reading any comments you might like to leave me.
Till next time

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I have been so very lazy.... I have been a bit off colour and have not felt like doing anything.

I have got halfway through a layout and am not happy with it so have taken a break from that.

I taught a card class this morning to 25 senior citizens. It was hectic but fun. I think most of them enjoyed it but some had a bit of trouble with the double sided tape. Getting the backing off can be a bit tricky if you are not used to it. I am going to use glue sticks next time.

Mum's car is playing up so Ray & I have spent most of the day looking for a new car for her.

We are going to Wentworth in the morning for the Rocking at the Junction festival. Ray is DJ'ing Friday night, Saturday afternoon and Saturday night. A group of our friends are going too so it should be a good weekend.

Hope you all have a great weekend and will post again next week when I will hopefully have a layout and some photos of the weekend to share.
