
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My how time does fly.... It is over a week since my last post and I am wondering where the time has gone.

We went to Berri for the Rock and Roll Festival they had on. It was a very busy weekend. Friday night was held at the Berri Club. The band was Jam Train and they were excellent. Everyone had a great night. Saturday night's function was held in the Town Hall. The band was Mack Brown 7 from Adelaide and Ray was the DJ. The theme was Gals & Gangsters so there were plenty of costumes to admire. Sunday morning breakfast at the Club and then drive home. A great weekend. I took my camera to Berri with me but then did not take it to the show on Saturday night so I have not got any photos, I have asked my friends to email me some of their photos. Tonight Lindsay bought me around a CD with some of the photos they had taken over the weekend. These are a couple of them. Thanks Wendy & Lindsay

Monday was a catchup day for washing, ironing and sleeping!!! In the afternoon a friend came around and we spent a bit of time in the craft room, very relaxing.

Tuesday we had Charli and while Ray took her to Beeboppers I did a bit of shopping in Jetty Road at Glenelg. I thought it was time for a few new clothes and I bought a new jacket and three new tops. I also took 103 photos of layouts that I have done over the years and had not photographed. Now all I have to do is crop then and rename them and file them on my computer so I know where to find them.

Today I went to work and tonight we have got Charli overnight because she wanted a sleepover at Nanny & Poppy's.

The photos below are of two double page layouts I did some time ago, about the Berri Festival in 2006

That's it for this post but I will be back soon.

Till next time

1 comment:

  1. what a great post Julie.. lots of news, pics, and info .... looks like you had a great time ... good for you .... thanks for the blog love on Imaginarium .... very special to me ... hugz x
    I have joined the BOXX .. it is the friendly-est place ... You can load any LO's you want there are no rules ... they do have challenges but I have not worried so far .... hugz x


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